Privacy policy

Privacy is a core value for us.

Privacy practices for about.dotsmesh.com

This website (about.dotsmesh.com) does not collect any personal information about its visitors. No cookies or other tracking technologies are used.

We collect anonymous usage information just to make our services better.

Newsletter subscribers can unsubscribe by sending an email to news@dotsmesh.com with the subject "unsubscribe". While subscribed their email addresses are used only to send them news about the project.

Privacy practices for the Dots Mesh platform's open-source software

The software packages this policy applies to are:
- dotsmesh/dotsmesh-web-app
- dotsmesh/dotsmesh-installer-php

No usage tracking is built into them, but the hosts that run them will receive your IP address and some browser information when visiting public profiles and groups. A VPN may help you improve privacy. Always check if your connection is secure (the lock symbol on your browser).

Privacy practices for the dotsmesh.com web app

This is the official hosted version of the dotsmesh/dotsmesh-web-app software package, that's run by the Dots Mesh team. Your browser can send us information about your device and IP address. Only non-personal information (information that cannot identify you) may be stored and processed. It's only used to better understand usage, to protect, improve, and optimize this website and it's never shared.

Last change:
December 2, 2022
There will be more!
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