The Dots Mesh Newsletter #3


Welcome to the third issue of the Dots Mesh Newsletter.

Some things have changed since the last time I wrote to you, and I'm excited to present them to you now. Let's start.

We've added a super important feature - push notifications for private profiles. This is made possible by utilizing observer servers, that private profiles subscribe to. Of course, this is done in a privacy-friendly way and drastically improves the experience for this type of profile. Take a look at https://about.dotsmesh.com/news/new-dots-mesh-software-release-october-2020/ for more information.

There were a lot (a lot!) of UI and UX improvements and bugfixes. For example, a new group member's experience is much smoother. Device push notifications UI is improved, too. Take a look at all the changes at https://github.com/dotsmesh/dotsmesh-web-app/releases/tag/v1.4.0.

We are always looking for ways to improve the platform. Feel free to contact us and share your ideas with us.

Ivo Petkov,
Founder and contributor

This issue of the newsletter was sent on November 30, 2020.
There will be more!
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